Don't lose hope; now is the ​moment to act!

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Change begins with small steps., keep holding your coins, the ​results will be beautiful in the end, believe me, there will be ​changes in this world!

Pump.fun ensures the security of all created ​tokens, including $NIKS. Each $NIKS coin ​undergoes a fair launch, devoid of presale and ​team allocation.

Plan for $NIKS:

Step 1: Select $NIKS as your preferred coin.

Step 2: Purchase $NIKS on the bonding curve.

Step 3: You can sell at any time to secure profits ​or minimize losses.

Step 4: Once enough investors buy $NIKS on ​the bonding curve, it reaches a market cap of ​$69k.

Step 5: At this point, $12k of liquidity will be ​deposited in Raydium and then burned.

[Ready to pump $NIKS]